
2010年12月14日 星期二

SoftMaker Office 2008免費大放送!為慈善出一分力,下載吧!

這幾天,台灣的freegroup跟外國的OMG!Ubuntu!也有報導 SoftMaker Office 2008的免費發放,據報是為慈善,“for every successful download of the application set they will donate € 0.10 to charity.”,即是每個成功的下載(並不是安裝),SoftMaker Office公司就會貢獻出€0.10給慈善機構!為公益,為自己,大家趕緊下載吧!值得一提的是,期限是年尾。
免費獲取 SoftMaker Office 2008,媲美 MS Office 的辦公室軟體(freegroup)


進入 SoftMaker Office 2008 優惠活動頁面,填入你的姓名、國家、E-Mail 地址,然後選擇你要使用的版本為 SoftMaker Office 2008 for Windows / Linux 。填完後可以立即在信箱收到序號,接著下載軟體並安裝。


安裝時建議選擇「簡体中文」作為軟體語系,使用時就會比較容易上手。在填寫序列號的欄位上輸入你收到的用戶名、E-mail 地址及序號。

預設會安裝 TextMaker(文書處理)、PlanMaker(試算表)、SoftMaker Presentations(簡報)與 BasicMaker(記事本)四種軟體,可依照自己的需求調整。

TextMaker 是一套文書處理軟體,類似於 MS Word,可以開啟doc格式的文件,大部分該有的功能這套軟體裡面也都有。

PlanMaker 試算表,類似於 Excel。

要做頭影片的話,可以使用 Presentations,左側與 PowerPoint 類似都有幻燈片及大綱功能,一般編輯則是在右邊的視窗處理。

與 Office 比較不同的是 SoftMaker 裡有一套名為 BasicMaker 的軟體,類似於記事本,整體的執行速度上算是相當快,而且沒有太過複雜的功能。

喜歡嘗鮮的朋友不妨試試看,趁此機會趕快入手 SoftMaker Office 吧!
Download SoftMaker Office 2008 for free – and help charity at the same time(OMG!UBUNTU!)


German software company SoftMaker are giving away free copies of commercial office suite ‘SoftMaker Office 2008′ – but with a very welcome catch: for every successful download of the application set they will donate € 0.10 to charity.

The biggest thing to realize here is that SoftMaker Office isn’t at the cutting edge of user-interface design or feature set. The suite is a perfectly capable tool for basic office needs and with a lightweight footprint is responsive in use.

The suite comprises of:

TextMaker – a word processor app that can read and write to various formats including .doc, .odt, .sxw and its own .tmd format.
PlanMaker spreadsheet tool – compatible with Microsoft Excel with Excel-compatible charting and an Excel-compatible AutoShapes drawing layer.
SoftMaker Presentations is compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint.

An easy-to-install .deb version of the 2008 suite can be download for free @ loadandhelp.de until December 31st.


