
2011年1月17日 星期一

Unity 與 Unity 2D PPA

大家可能都知道,下一代的Ubuntu 11.04使用Unity界面。不知你們會不會覺得Unity十分漂亮呢?筆者對此就深表同意了。最近Unity又有一些風聲,筆者特意給大家看一看。

Unity 最新的update

以下就是安裝其2D PPA後的界面

安裝Unity 2D PPA 的方法:(在terminal裏打)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:unity-2d-team/unity-2d-daily && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install unity-qt-default-settings

順帶一題,這是Ubuntu Unity 的專頁 http://unity.ubuntu.com/

這些news筆者是從OMG! Ubuntu裡得知的。原文節錄:
Ubuntu 11.04 Unity update adds new look launcher, more effect options and scrollwheel indicator support

A few new features/options for Unity landed in the Ubuntu 11.04 alpha recently.

Among them comes support for ‘calling’ the launcher via a configurable keyboard shortcut, the ability to disable launcher tile back-light and the option to choose between ‘Blink’ or ‘Pulse’ animations on launching apps and apps demanding attention. Optionally both can be set to ‘None’.
Most applications are also now maximized on launch – something that will be of benefit to users will smaller screens but may (i.e. has already started to) grate users on wide-screen monitors.

Elsewhere the Workspace Switcher now displays desktops in a ‘grid’ rather than a horizontal row: -
And implementation of ‘scrollwheel support’ on indicators is finally here: just hover your mouse over the Sound Menu indicator and scroll down or up to change the volume.
Ubuntu Unity 2D gets a PPA for Maverick and Natty testers

The slick Unity 2D we told you about yesterday has now got a PPA for Ubuntu 10.10 and Ubuntu 11.04 users to test.

It can’t say how it compares to the regular flavour of Unity becuase that doesn’t work on my computer, but one thing I can certainly say is that it is faster than the regular Desktop Session.

To add the PPA and install Unity 2D run the commands below in a terminal:-
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:unity-2d-team/unity-2d-daily && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install unity-qt-default-settings
Choose ‘Unity Qt’ at the Login screen to use.


